As I Lay Me

Tonight the glow of ripe moon
Shines through closed window panes,
Sends shivers of thought of you over me,
The heavens our beacons never fail to elicit such a response,
Winter snow makes the shine twofold –from ground just as from sky,
Lunar light engulfs my dreamscape,
As I lay me down to sleep,
And dream that you are here with me.

Longest Night

Dissipating light,
Whistle of wind over frosted dunes,
The night it closes in,
As we bid an early farewell to the sun,
Hope remains for the morning still to come,
But for now it is the blanket of dark,
Ever surrounding,
Noticed by all the living,
That the change it comes,
As the Earth does pass her longest night,
without the sun

Winter Berries

I feel her inside of me
The goddess she blossoms,
Even in the bitter cold,
Ripe like crimson winter berries,
Rubies against slopes of white,
In the dark she calls,
Ever nearer,
Deep within,
Never without,
I shall not fear the dark,
The unknown,
Whenever she’s here,
Surely I’m home,
Goddess unseen,
I only feel you,
Pulsing through my veins,
In the touch of a leaf,
Caress of a hand,
Silk of water flowing over me,
Where can I not find you?
That I surely don’t wish to know,
Goddess you are in me,
you are with me,
You are me,
And this

Warm and Cold

Feel the crisp cold against your cheek,
While the light of day burns overhead,
Warming the same spot,
it is a tug of war,
Between the sun and atmosphere,
Warm and cold both wanting to pull you near.