As I Lay Me

Tonight the glow of ripe moon
Shines through closed window panes,
Sends shivers of thought of you over me,
The heavens our beacons never fail to elicit such a response,
Winter snow makes the shine twofold –from ground just as from sky,
Lunar light engulfs my dreamscape,
As I lay me down to sleep,
And dream that you are here with me.

Winter Berries

I feel her inside of me
The goddess she blossoms,
Even in the bitter cold,
Ripe like crimson winter berries,
Rubies against slopes of white,
In the dark she calls,
Ever nearer,
Deep within,
Never without,
I shall not fear the dark,
The unknown,
Whenever she’s here,
Surely I’m home,
Goddess unseen,
I only feel you,
Pulsing through my veins,
In the touch of a leaf,
Caress of a hand,
Silk of water flowing over me,
Where can I not find you?
That I surely don’t wish to know,
Goddess you are in me,
you are with me,
You are me,
And this

Winter Forecast

Familiar ping of icy droplets strikes the window pane,
Hits the pavement,
Snow, as forecast nestles between browned grass blades,
Winter has formally arrived,
Made itself known
With a frosted cold,
I am a small being,
Against the wind whispering chill upon my reddened cheek,
Against the magnitude of seasons taking place,
Against the backdrop of Earth and sky finding equilibrium,
Against the universe that goes on unfazed by changes over my head
— the life alerting weather shifts that fall down as soft white dust, building into great mountains,

Full Moon Thoughts

A white halo rests over ground,
Ice chills the core,
And the glow of moonlight illuminates
This early night,
I should beckon my lids to close,
But even when they do,
I’ll remain awake,
Lost in these full moon thoughts of you